Utility’s Paragould, Arkansas Plant Earns Safety Accolade
Silver Safety Award from Liberty Mutual
Winning at safety is like winning at golf — the lower the score, the better. Utility’s Paragould, Arkansas dry van manufacturing plant is a consistent safety champion, and it recently added to its record by winning another Liberty Mutual Silver Safety Award.
Liberty Mutual’s Safety Awards are based on minimizing injuries that lead to Days Away from work or to Restriction or Transfer (DART

From left to right: David Neighbors (Plant Manager), Sandra Patterson (UTM), Bryan Samples (UTM), David Winn (UTM), Sean Graddy (EHS Manager), Dale Innis (Liberty Mutual), Shannon Smart (UTM), Chris Clemons (UTM), Annetta Pemberton (UTM), Crystal Hallmark (UTM)
rates). This is calculated from the number of hours worked relative to the number of accidents that occur at the plant. Less plant accidents mean lower DART rates.
In 2016, the Paragould plant had a low DART rate of 1.66, which was accomplished over 1.3 million worked hours. Compared to the trailer manufacturing industry average of 4.3, Paragould’s achievement is commendable. To earn silver, a DART rate must be 40% or lower than the industry rate.
“Year after year, our Paragould dry van plant has continued to maintain an exemplary safety record, and has now been recognized with its 11th Liberty Mutual Safety Award. In fact, 9 of their 11 awards have been either Silver or Gold, which is a huge achievement,” said Bob Griffis, Corporate EHS Manager for Utility Trailer Manufacturing Company.
“A safe and healthy workplace requires the hard work of all of our employees, and the continued support from our Management and Owners,” said Sean Graddy, Utility’s Paragould Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) Manager.
David Neighbors, Utility’s Paragould Plant Manager added, “I am very proud of our team’s dedication to safety. And, I appreciate the recognition by our partner, Liberty Mutual, but the best thing is knowing that our people are working together to be safe.”