A Utility Customer For Over 50 Years
Values Are the Cornerstone of Quality’s Success
Teddy Roosevelt said “To make a success of it, you’ve got to start young.” For Glenn Kooi, this rings true. In 1959, after serving in the Army, Glenn founded Quality Feed and Supply Company at the young age of 19. Building Quality into a successful company wasn’t an accident. It required hard work and an ability to adapt.
Glenn started out by shipping hay from fields in the Colorado Rockies to dairies on the eastern plains. Always the innovator, he was one of the first in the trucking industry to custom build 57′ step decks to handle massive loads of hay.
As Colorado grew, Glenn’s company adapted, changing its name to Quality Wholesale Supply Company, distributing processed industrial mineral products and offering for-hire truc

Glenn’s grandchildren riding in a custom Utility wagon
king services as well. In 2008, it became Quality Logistics. Today it has a dry van fleet of over 150 trailers and 76 tractors operating in 6 locations in the Western United States. Glenn’s two sons – Brad and Chris, are looking to grow Quality to a fleet of 400 trailers and 300 tractors.
Keys to Glenn’s success include loyalty to employees, a commitment to superior service and utilizing the best technology. “I am proud that in 58 years we’ve never missed a payroll,” says Glenn. “We also get the most out of what we do by recruiting the best drivers and staff, investing in quality equipment, and delivering top quality service. Our name says it all, and we live up to it every day.”
Utility is Quality’s trailer choice. “We’ve bought Utility for over 55 years. Our last 10 dry vans have been the 4000D-X Composite® TBR, and we just ordered 5 more. The tall bottom rail makes it stronger,” said Glenn. “Our wonderful relationship with Clint Nordstrom and every one from Utility Trailer Sales of Colorado is also a plus.”