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Plants Receive Safety Awards
Paragould, AR and Clearfield, UT manufacturing plants have received Liberty Mutual Insurance Silver Safety Awards
These Safety Awards are based on DART rates, which are calculated using the number of hours worked relative to the number of accidents resulting in Days Away, Restrictions or Transfers. Low occurrences of accidents result in lower DART rates.
The Utah plant achieved a DART rate of 1.11, which is 76% lower than the trailer manufacturing industry average of 4.6. Liberty Mutual previously awarded seven Safety Awards to the Utah plant for having DART rates better than one-half of the industry average. This is the first Silver Award for the plant.
The Arkansas plant’s DART rate was 1.29, which is 72% lower than the trailer manufacturing industry average. The Arkansas plant has previously received eight Safety Awards from Liberty Mutual, and this is also its first Silver Award.
“Utility is proud that our Utah and Arkansas plants were recognized by Liberty Mutual for their outstanding safety records. Without the support of both Utility’s owners and employees, we could not have achieved these awards. Our employees and management team are critical to our successful safety program, and deserve all the credit for keeping themselves and their fellow employees safe,” said Bob Griffis, Corporate EHS Manager for Utility Trailer Manufacturing.