California Trucking Association Honors Bill Nichols
Commended for 50 years of dedicated service
Success is not an accident. It happens through commitment, hard work and a determination to make things better. Therefore, fifty years of excellence, committed to one thing is a huge purpose-filled accomplishment. In life it is acknowledged as a Golden Anniversary, and congratulations are in order. Industry veteran Bill Nichols, Sales Representative for Utility Trailer Sales of Central California, has devoted over fifty years serving the transportation industry.
At this year’s California Trucking Association (CTA) Conference, which was held at the U.S. Grant Hotel in downtown San Diego, CA, Mr. Nichols was recognized for his ongoing dedication and significant influence on the industry and the people in it. “Bill has been a great ambassador for the organization throughout his career,” said Cory Pasek, Vice President, Sales and Operations for Utility Trailer Sales of Central California. “His work was instrumental in the agriculture, equipment and food-service distribution industries for the northern and central California area. He was involved in the optimization and development of equipment important to the industry. On top of that, Bill has also been a great leader and community member for our team. I have been privileged to have learned a great deal from him.”
“We at Utility wish to congratulate Bill on 50 years of excellent service,” said Craig Bennett, Senior Vice President Sales and Marketing for Utility Trailer Manufacturing Company. “We have had the pleasure of working with him over the years and want him to know that his contributions to the industry and his sales success for Utility are much appreciated.”