Mission Swift Completion
Postal Fleet Services daily duties
“The Postal Service shall have as its basic function the obligation to provide postal services to bind the Nation together through the personal, educational, literary, and business correspondence of the people. It shall provide prompt, reliable, and efficient services to patrons in all areas and shall render postal services to all communities.” This is the mission statement of the United States Postal Service, but we learned it this way: “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.”
This is a principle that Don Dorris and the company he founded, Postal Fleet Services—a family organized corporation dedicated to serving the USPS—exemplify. After retiring as a Colonel from the United States Army in 1999, Don did some consulting work, then moved to Florida in 2002. “I came to Florida to retire, and never retired. I’m not cut out for it. I can’t play golf and fish all the time or sit around waiting for my wife to give me a to-do list,” said Don. “I founded Postal Fleet Services in 2002 to fulfill an emergency contract for the U.S. Postal Service. Don rented 5 trailers to fulfill that first contract.
And business grew. Don ended up buying those 5 trailers, and continued to buy used trailers until recently. “I got to know Eddie Woods from Utility Trailer Sales of Tennessee and at first, I bought used trailers from him. He introduced me to Utility and their 4000D-X Composite® dry vans and showed that they could meet our specs. I appreciate the quality of their construction —including their stainless steel rear door frame and their logistics post system. It makes for a stronger side-wall and provides the durability we require. I have been ordering a minimum of 25 of them at a time ever since.” Today Postal Fleet Services runs over 600 trailers and 1000 vehicles with 54% of them being tractors. They serve the USPS in 39 states, from Florida to the Dakotas and Maine to as far west as Portland, Oregon.
“I have known Don Dorris for over 20 years,” said Eddie Woods of Utility Trailer Sales of Tennessee. “Postal Fleet Services is an exceptional company that does business the right way. He adopts the best technology to be more productive and puts the safety of his employees and their families first.”
Sometimes retirement leads to sitting around wondering what to do next. For Don Dorris and Postal Fleet Services, it continues to lead towards binding the Nation together “through the personal, educational, literary, and business correspondence of the people.”